DuctMarketing.com, DuctSEO.com, and DuctWebsites.com are available for sale. Send offers to [email protected]

Duct Cleaners: Is Your Marketing Profitable?

People are searching right now for “air duct cleaning”. Are they finding and calling you, or your competitors?

You’ve tried buying leads, they had 5 other companies call them too. You’ve worked with big named agencies, they don’t even know what an air duct is.

We know your business, we know marketing, and we know how to get your phone ringing.

Effective Marketing For Duct Cleaning Isn’t About 1‑Tactic... It’s Omni‑Presence

There’s no “1 weird trick” to grow your duct cleaning business. It’s about being in front of your customers when they want you.

Do this right, you’ll achieve omni-presence. A sure-fire way to becoming the #1 air duct cleaner in your area.

New conversion-focused website

An amazing website will not only help with branding (pricing, trust, expectations) but also likely increase call conversions by anywhere from 10 to 30%.

Strategic search ads campaign

There are searches happening right now for your services. They’re holding their phone trying to call someone. Ads is the quickest way to get in front of them.

Rank with local SEO and Google My Business

Local SEO puts you in front of the right people at a significantly lower cost per lead than ads. Once this gets momentum, it’ll be your biggest source of quality leads.

Stay relevant with
Social media ads

If you’re lucky, 10% of people visiting your website will book an appointment. With social media remarketing, we can capture the much bigger 90% at a later date.

Build landing pages
that convert

Running ads to your homepage or standard site does not work. You’ve probably tried it before. We design beautiful landing pages that are built to convert.

Build your
5-star reputation

If your competitors have more reviews than you, they’re getting more calls than you. Simple as that. We’ll build a review process for you to surpass anyone.


Build a Duct Cleaning Website for SEO and Conversions

Your website is where everything happens online. It’s your digital salesman, marketing machine, pre-sales support, and your brand all in one. Starting with a bad website is as incongruent and ineffective as the beat up, barely drivable cars you see promoting “make an extra thousand dollars a week”.

Our websites are designed to magnify your branding and keep your phone ringing. It’s not about looking cool or hip. It’s about creating a “Wow these guys look good” before clicking a big clear phone number to book an appointment.

It should also be optimised for the hundreds, or thousands, of searches for your services happening every month. This is beyond design, it’s understanding what your customers search in Google (i.e. every service location, every service) and ensuring you have a page targeting each.

The end result is you have a website that books 100+ appointments per month of people ready to pay for duct or vent cleaning.

Here’s some of what our duct cleaning websites include:

  • Mobile friendly, responsive design that looks great on phones, tablets, and others
  • Beautiful high-converting forms for effortlessly booking online appointments
  • Dozens of high quality pages designed to bring in traffic from all your service locations
  • Super fast hosting and efficient website to ensure you don’t lose customers to slow speeds
  • Fully optimised for SEO with monthly blog content

Run Strategic Pay Per Click Google Ads Campaigns

If you need a service company, you either ask a friend or search Google. For the hundreds, or more likely thousands, of searches every month in your city for air duct cleaning - you’re either getting these calls, or you’re not. Google Ads is the quickest way to change that.


We use Google Search Ads to generate calls and appointments fast. Once we start working together, your ads will be up and running almost immediately to kickstart your calls.

This means when locals search for your services, they’ll immediately start seeing your name, website, and phone number. And with a quick click they can directly call your business, or at least take a browse through your website.

This is your fast, direct-response form of marketing. Someone searches for a duct cleaner tomorrow? Your name will be one of the first they see.

With our unique duct cleaner PPC strategy, this works exceptionally well because:

  • It’s already proven and tested with other duct cleaners in other cities, we just copy the model over to yours
  • There’s significantly less testing, we already have proven ad copy, proven ad targeting, and ads that work
  • Everything is ready to go now, we can have your ads up and running on day one
  • It’s conversion optimised, 1/5 ad clicks will call you, we track and measure this

Use Local SEO Strategies to Rank in Google Maps

Google Maps get more clicks, more visibility, and more calls than both ads and organic results. For every one of our clients, it’s the single biggest and best source of new business outside of referrals. This is where your money will be made, if you do it right.


Local SEO is probably the lowest cost source of leads you can get at scale. Many of our clients get calls as low as $7.50 per call - that’s for exclusive leads that came via their own website.

This usually takes 3-6 months to start building up, once it does though, the results continue compounding. Over time you’ll get more calls, off that same level of investment (i.e. at lower cost).

This is your long-term, biggest source of new calls and revenue online. Combined with a high-converting website, 5-star reviews, and retargeting social media advertising - you’ll be the biggest most profitable duct cleaner in your city.

Here’s a sneak peak of some of the things we do with our local SEO process (the rest we’d rather not help our competitors catch up):

  • Optimise page titles, meta descriptions, headings, and content to be keyword and semantically relevant
  • Create keyword-driven content that drives traffic to your website and builds authority for local rankings
  • Build clean, high quality backlinks and citations
  • Create regular, optimised posts on your GMB profile
  • Strategically internal link your focal pages

Talk To Duct Marketing Experts That Understand Your Business

If your marketing is working, you should know exactly how much you invested, how much visibility it got, how many calls and leads it generated, and how many appointments and revenue. At DM we don’t believe in “branding”, we’re not Coca Cola. We measurably make you more money.

Use Facebook & Instagram Ads to Keep your Duct Cleaning Company in front of Your Perfect Customers

We’re of the same mindset, who cares what you had for dinner, keep that photo to yourself. But the fact is, 80-90% of people visiting your website don’t contact you immediately. Social media is where we find them and bring them back.


Like it or not, social media is where a significant number of people spend their time. Including your past and would-be customers.

With a simple retargeting pixel, we’re able to use it to target everyone with a Facebook or Instagram account that’s ever visited your website. Imagine that for a second...

They visit your website once, then every time they look on their phone they see your name again, and again, and again...

Social media remarketing creates the full effect of omni-presence. They search Google, your name comes up top. They browse Facebook, your ad comes up. You’re everywhere, except their credit card statement - that’ll come soon though.

Here’s how our social media retargeting ads can help you:

  • Become the dominant brand name in your location, we’ll put your name in front of everyone - profitably
  • Recapture the 80-90% of website visitors that don’t contact you, this can generate even more calls
  • Run promotions and offers to rapidly generate more leads and business
  • Retarget your existing customers for vent cleaning or more duct cleaning in 6-12 months

Build High Converting Landing Pages that Get Instant Leads

If you’ve tried advertising before and it’s too expensive, doesn’t convert, and not scalable - it’s probably your landing page. Sending traffic to your standard website (or worse, just the homepage) is barely more effective than forgetting to write your phone number.


We’ve designed beautiful landing pages, that have been tested and proven to work for other duct cleaning companies in other cities. These are then modified to fit your branding, plugged into your business, and give you near-instantly profitable ads.

These landing pages will convert a whopping 1/5 visitors into leads. In most cases, this will reduce your ad cost by 2-4x without changing anything else.

Here’s why you need these landing pages in your air duct cleaning business:

  • They’re fast loading, beautifully designed, and benefit your brand
  • Fully designed and ready to implement to start getting leads within the first 1-3 days
  • They convert like crazy - 20% of clicks become leads
  • Significantly more profitable ads by reducing wasted conversions

Get More Online Reviews

You can rank number one in Google, but if the 2nd site has 3x more reviews, they’re probably winning the job. Reviews are not only necessary for SEO, they’re mission critical for establishing trust and converting leads in your business.


We have a number of strategies to help land more 5-star reviews on your Google My Business profile and anywhere else your customers are finding you.

This directly influences the number of people contacting you and makes your sales efforts significantly easier. Who wouldn’t trust a company with over 100 positive reviews?

With our simple review funnel process, you’ll have a flood of verified 5 star reviews that do the heavy sales efforts for you. Nothing screams trustworthy more than proof.

With our reputation management system, you’ll get:

  • A short, memorable URL to get reviews from customers right after finishing the job (this works extremely well!)
  • An automated system to email your past customers requesting a review, simply plug in their email addresses and go
  • Eliminate bad reviews by allowing unsatisfied customers to connect and leave feedback first
  • Embed your verified reviews on your website for even more trust

Stop Wasting Your Marketing Budget On “Uh.. Maybe Works”

If your marketing is working, you should know exactly how much you invested, how much visibility it got, how many leads it generated, and how many appointments and $ revenue. We can show you this.